Happy Birthday, Star Trek!

news_trek40In 1966 Star Trek-creator Gene Roddenberry conceived a truly exceptional TV show. So exceptional in fact, that fans around the world are still fascinated by it, even after 40 years! What will be the future of the franchise? In what direction will Star Trek (have to) evolve over time? Or is there even a future for the series as we know it? These are all very good questions, to which I can’t give you an answer right now. All I know is: time will tell. Besides, there are more than enough texts on the web analyzing this phenomenon, so let me just say this today: Happy Birthday, Star Trek!

An Award for trekprops.de!

news_awardIt makes me happy and proud to announce that trekprops.de has been honored with the EAE Award of August 2006. Thanks a lot to Bernd Schneider, the man behind Ex Astris Scientia! (Please note that the text below was written before the redesign and the transition of this site to english was implemented.) [More…]


tn_tribbleOne of the most popular episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series – “The Trouble with Tribbles” – evolves around small, hairy, pleasant and purry animals called Tribbles which are however also very hungry and very eager to reproduce themselves. After Lt. Uhura buys one of them from the bartender of Station K-7 and brings it to the Enterprise, it creates a chaos by procreating so rapidly that it doesn’t take long for the Enterprise to be filled with small furry creatures. [More…]

Makeover: Mobile Holo-Emitter

tn_holo-emitterWhen I got my mobile holo-emitter in an exchange deal, there were some things I didn’t like about it: First off, the curcuit graphic which had been made from a gold foil with the pattern printed green on it was not cut out accurately thus being too small for the intended place. This was especially distracting in the upper right corner of the indentation where the gap was really quite big. Second, the surface of the prop wasn’t really worked up to the degree of a smooth finish I would have liked to have. [More…]

Mobile Holo-Emitter

tn_holo-emitterOne of my favourite characters from “Star Trek: Voyager” is the holographic Doctor. Just as Spock, Data and Odo before him, he as an artificial intelligence represents the outsider among humans, who wishes to be treated with respect and as an equal being. He strives to become more than his original programming and tries to become as human as possible. [More…]

Comm Badges

commbades_tnThey’re small but powerful – Starfleet Comm badges. They not only decorate uniforms and show that the owner is an officer with the respective training, but they are also full of high-tech.

Once activated, these small devices enable the user to communicate with any other crew memeber who is also equipped with a smiliar badge. While the activation is done by a simple tap, everything else works through a highly sophisticated [More…]

Cardassian PADD

cardie_padd_tnIn “Star Trek”, the idea of the paper-less office has been perfected. No pieces of paper, no pens, but only so called PADDs are used to note, capture, save, copy and transmit any kind of information.

Not only humans however use this kind of technology (see Voyager PADD), also several alien races like the Cardassians have realized the comfort of easy to use mobile [More…]

Isolinear Optical Chips (NEM)

tn_isochips_nemThere are props of which I just can’t get enough. One of them are isochips, which are present in the Star Trek universe in many different shapes and colors.

Because of this, I simply had to bid when I saw these chips from the tenth Star Trek movie “Nemesis” on eBay. They are made of shiny blue plexi and feature beautifully laser etched isolinear patterns. These patterns are silver on one and [More…]

Tools & Supplies: Sandpaper

Sand paper is a daily companion during any kind of model work. Therefore you should always have several different grit numbers ready. One rule of thumb is: Everything from 100-grit to 1000-grit can be useful. 100 grits are used to remove a lot of material, 1000 grits are good for achieving an ultra-smooth finish. This is actually more like polishing than sanding. You will have to decide for yourself what grit numbers you really need the most. [More…]

Tools & Supplies: Styrene

Styrene is the typical material to build models because it is very easy to handle. It is a kind of plastic which is available in different thicknesses (0,3 to 5 mm), colors (even with effects like “mirror”) and shapes, for example sheets, pipes, profiles, structured sheets (i.e. ribbed) and many more. [More…]