Work in Progress: Voyager Desktop Computer


Following my recent “show-off” post presenting my Voyager Desktop Computer, let’s now have a detailed look at how I built this prop, going through every step, from the raw parts all the way to the finished unit, covering the concepts of different aspects of the prop, the construction of several custom parts, the installation of the electronics and the assembly of everything to bring it all together. Although I didn’t snap an image of every step along the way, it’s more than a hundred progress pictures, so I hope you brought a little time… [More…]

Work in Progress: Neutrino Probe – Business End

Well, well, well, what do we have here? Might that be a long overdue update on the Neutrino Probe project? “No, that’s impossible!”, you might think. After all, the last update was almost exactly one year ago! How could this still be a go? Well, you better believe it ’cause this baby is alive and kickin’! Still not positive? Jump past the break to look for yourself. Have you ever been told that you’re hard to convince of something? [More…]

Tools & Supplies: Rotary Multipurpose Tool (i.e. Dremel)

Sandpaper and files are irreplaceable in the hobby of prop building. Sometimes however, there’s the need for more power. With a multipurpose tool like the one pictured below you can grind, drill, mill, saw, polish parts – and more – depending on what attachment you are using. Very useful are devices with variable speeds and several different attachments for different tasks. [More…]

Buildup: Small PADD (VOY)

tn_voy_padd_sHow do you build a PADD? Well, it’s easy, if you have the right kit. In this tutorial I want to show you how to build up one of Matt Munson’s small Voyager PADD kits. Although he claims to build these is under an hour, I would recommend to take a little more time… [More…]

Tutorial: Sonic Driver

tn_sonic_driverIn this tutorial I will describe the process of building one of my resin Sonic Driver prop kits. Though it’s a relatively simple kit that essentially just needs to be painted, the partially complex shape of the prop can make the preparation work quite tricky and requires some expertise. [More…]