Picards Tea Cup
“Tea, Earl Grey, hot!” is one of the most best known phrases of the entire Star Trek universe. Captain Picard usually uses these words to order his favourite beverage from the replicator. And he usually gets the dark liquid in a special type of tea cup, which I have now added to my collection.
It is a small glass cup made by Bodum, equipped with a plastic handle that can be detached for cleaning. This found item is to my knowledge no longer manufactured, so it will be increasingly hard to find. The cup is part of an entire tea set named “Le Pot”, which includes four cups, a tea pot, a sugar bowl, a creamer (all with cork pads) and spoons.
Here’s a still of the screen used cup:
And here’s mine:
The Bodum cup (note the logo on the bottom) is made of glass…
…and has a plastic handle which can be detached for cleaning.
There is also a taller version of this cup…
…which was also used in TNG.
Here are both cups in a comparison shot.
I was lucky enough to obtain the entire tea set which is called “Le Pot”.
26 Responses to “Picards Tea Cup”
Cassandra on: December 14th, 2010 at 03:47
Im wondering where you found this tea set and how much it cost, if you’re willing to reveal that information lol.
trekprops.de on: December 14th, 2010 at 22:00
I think I got this from eBay, but I’m not sure to be honest. I don’t remember what I paid for it either, I’m afraid (but it wasn’t all that much if I recall correctly). It’s been a while, you know… đ
Adam on: January 27th, 2011 at 10:17
I also have this set! w00t! I think I found mine at a yard sale several years ago, wasn’t quite sure why I wanted it, because at the time, I had yet to have “discovered” Star Trek, lol. I picked up the entire set for only a couple dollars. Now, I suddenly found Captain Picard drinking his Earl Gray in the same cups I have the past few years. Maybe I should sue Paramount, hehe.
Adam on: January 27th, 2011 at 10:20
I should add, my set is not the tea set, rather, it’s designed for coffee. Mine has a french press instead of the tea (brewer?)
Picard on: March 12th, 2011 at 09:55
Hi All!!!
Will anyone sell me their “le pot” tea set…or cups?
Am willing to pay $200
Or if you go insearch of you could make a pretty good profit…
Lt. Worf on: April 12th, 2011 at 02:19
Hey all, The set in question is from Bodum. The company isn’t in the USA so it takes a little bit for shipping. You could also try ebay, but $14.95 for a set of 2 isn’t going to break the bank. Ka’pla
Replicating Captain Picard’s Teacup « adafruit industries blog on: September 30th, 2011 at 14:04
[…] cup that materializes when Jean-Luc Picard orders his tea. I based the model on the images found here. The original item is made of glass, which is out of reach for most 3D printers at the moment, […]
Replicating Picardâs Tea Cup on: October 3rd, 2011 at 17:06
[…] Adafruit writer and MAKE pal johngineer has prepared and published a 3D model of Captain Picard’s tea cup, based on images found at TREKPROPS.DE. […]
Replicating Picardâs Tea Cup | Continuing Education News on: October 3rd, 2011 at 20:45
[…] Adafruit writer and MAKE pal johngineer has prepared and published a 3D model of Captain Picard’s tea cup, based on images found at TREKPROPS.DE. […]
triangles and curves - design+technology by jenna fizel on: October 4th, 2011 at 08:17
[…] Adafruit writer and MAKE pal johngineer has prepared and published a 3D model of Captain Picardâs tea cup, based on images found at TREKPROPS.DE. […]
Alan Castillo on: October 12th, 2011 at 16:47
Bossum also made these identical cups in sets of two, called Bistro-Duo.
Alan Castillo on: October 12th, 2011 at 16:47
… sorry, huge typo … that Bodum lol
chardma on: November 3rd, 2011 at 23:09
these bodum cups can be ordered from the bodum website, they are 2 for $12, I have some
chardma on: December 5th, 2011 at 08:38
these cups are available at a reasonable price in sets of six at the bodum web site
Someone on: December 27th, 2011 at 01:28
Except those on the Bodum website (unless you can link me otherwise) have a different style plastic rim. I sadly lost my set moving, childhood memories
(I was amuzed that Picard was drinking tea from the same glass as I was)
Magnus on: April 16th, 2012 at 20:05
Does anyone know what was used for the saucers Picard’s cup sat in?
Helmut on: May 1st, 2012 at 17:51
If anyone is interested I sell my unused 11 piece tee set from bodum under willhaben.at website, http://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/haushalt-kuechengeraete-gastronomie/bodum-le-pot-11-teiliges-tee-set-40115984?adId=40115984
Martin on: January 30th, 2013 at 13:43
Helmut: Do you still have yours?
Dan on: November 8th, 2013 at 17:46
If anyone is still looking, there is a listing for a similar cup here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bodum-Bistro-Glass-Creamer-Tea-Coffee-Mug-Service-Black-Handle-/321245014798?pt=Glassware&hash=item4acbb1eb0e
Michael Bowers on: January 3rd, 2014 at 23:00
The Bodum website no longer seems to carry them. I found two on eBay this last week that I purchased for about $20 with shipping. They are smaller than I would have guessed – only about 2.5″ tall – but I reconfirned from screen captures that they are correct.
Khahh on: February 1st, 2014 at 10:16
I would be willing to sell my set, if anyone is interested.
It was never used and contains the full 11 pieces, I no longer have the box though. You can be sure that I will pack it safely as long as I dont make a mistake and drop one as I am getting them down from the top of the shelf that they have been on for the last 10 years! I dont use them, they are only cool for the startrek connection.
Anyone interested??
Gilda on: March 3rd, 2014 at 13:50
This website was… how do you say it? Relevant!!
Finally I’ve found something which helped me. Kudos!
My Smart Alec rules Folklife - Page 3 on: June 4th, 2014 at 15:02
[…] I remember ST:TNG used Bodum cups for Captain Picard's tea, presumably because they thought the glass-with-a-plastic-clipon-handle design looked futuristic. And in the original Star Trek series, a set of "futuristic" stainless […]
Franx on: September 4th, 2015 at 12:25
It is also made in a coffee set. I received mine through an add promotion for Benson & Hedges cigarettes years ago. Everything is the same as tea set except it comes with a coffee
press.I have all the pieces, but no box.
“Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!” | The Thrift Store Collector on: January 11th, 2016 at 22:52
[…] To see more information regarding these cups and an actual picture of Captain Picard using it, please visit the following site. Â Trekprops.de […]
Star Trek Gifts for Him and Her on Valentines Day - Questmerch on: February 10th, 2017 at 12:24
[…] The glass cups are an amazing gift for hardcore TNG fans. You can see a blogpost about the mugs here! But if you’re not looking to go THAT obscure there are always the classic lighthearted […]
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