tn_picards_tea_cup“Tea, Earl Grey, hot!” is one of the most best known phrases of the entire Star Trek universe. Captain Picard usually uses these words to order his favourite beverage from the replicator. And he usually gets the dark liquid in a special type of tea cup, which I have now added to my collection.

It is a small glass cup made by Bodum, equipped with a plastic handle that can be detached for cleaning. This found item is to my knowledge no longer manufactured, so it will be increasingly hard to find. The cup is part of an entire tea set named “Le Pot”, which includes four cups, a tea pot, a sugar bowl, a creamer (all with cork pads) and spoons.

Here’s a still of the screen used cup:


And here’s mine:


The Bodum cup (note the logo on the bottom) is made of glass…


…and has a plastic handle which can be detached for cleaning.


There is also a taller version of this cup…


…which was also used in TNG.


Here are both cups in a comparison shot.


I was lucky enough to obtain the entire tea set which is called “Le Pot”.

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