Tools & Supplies: Spray Paint / Automotive Laquers
One of the most important elements for the final appearance of a prop is the paint in the correct color. Usually automotive lacquers are used because they are relatively cheap and easy to get. That’s why they were also used to create most of the original props. However some people prefer to use an airbrush system. Remember: A surface painted with an automotive lacquer can of course be further treated with other automotive products such as car polish and wax.
The paint pictured here as an example is Tamiya light green, the accurate color for the power bar of Cobrahead and Boomerang phasers.
2 Responses to “Tools & Supplies: Spray Paint / Automotive Laquers”
Work in Progress: Voyager Desktop Computer on: August 8th, 2013 at 22:54
[…] protect it from primer and paint, I covered the front facing side using masking […]
Work in Progress: Neutrino Probe – Casting on: May 30th, 2014 at 01:36
[…] since this metallic appearance is not only on the surface like a delicate layer of paint but comes from the material itself which is two thirds actual […]
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