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Tools & Supplies: RTV Silicone Rubber
One of the most important materials in the hobby of prop building is RTV silicone rubber (RTV = room temperature vulcanizing). It is used to create molds which can then be filled with casting resin to make copies of your master model.
Silicone rubber is available in many variants of different chemical and mechanical properties. I use an additive cross-linked precison casting silicone with a working life of 25 minutes and a demolding time of 2 hours. The silicone is mixed from two components using a mixing ratio of 10:1 and cures to a translucent light blue color. It is highly elastic, has a good mechanical stability and is suited for molding of complex master models even if they show indentations.
Modulor direct link: Modasil EH 10:1
One Response to “Tools & Supplies: RTV Silicone Rubber”
Work in Progress: Neutrino Probe – Molding on: May 1st, 2014 at 17:51
[…] first idea was to suspend the piece in silicone rubber by hanging it from wires (that’s what the small holes in the picture above are for) and […]
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