Tools & Supplies: Non-Reactive Molding Clay
Clay is used to embed the master model during the creation of a two part silicone rubber mold. This way you can do one half first and then the other. You have to use a non-reactive clay to avoid inhibiting the chemical reaction of the two silicone rubber components. To ensure that, your clay musn’t contain any sulfates and needs to be oil-based. When not in use, the cleay should be stored dust-free in an airtight glass vessel.
Modulor direct link: Modelling plasticine, white (#185286)
One Response to “Tools & Supplies: Non-Reactive Molding Clay”
Work in Progress: Neutrino Probe – Molding on: October 19th, 2014 at 14:15
[…] quite well. On top of that I built the box walls using LEGO as I always do. Around that I put some plasticine to seal the box and fix it in […]
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